Don't say that, Simon.
You're not responsible.
Listen to me.
You're not responsible for
the president's private life!
I'm the Secretary General
of a party called...
"The Union for Moral Order."
Our president just died
in the arms of a prostitute.
Great meat for the press.
I could use
a little piece of chocolate.
Oh, no! He forgot
part of the inscription!
Aunt is not Auntie!
"To my Lolo from Auntie!"
I ordered the usual.
"Auntie," not "Aunt."
What a disaster!
Smells good.
Feeling better?
He'll come visit.
He'll come with that girl.
By the way, we'll have
to fix up his bedroom.
We'll get a double bed...
Well, we'll have grandchildren.
Oh, Renato, look at me.
I can just see you.
You, a grandfather...
pushing the carriage...
with all your pendants.
-Shall I beat the eggs?
-No, please.
I'm the boss
in the kitchen.
The kitchen's your kingdom?
Yes. Yours is the stage,
mine is here.
So be it.
I leave you to your concoctions.