No, Dad,
just the opposite.
Charrier, the Deputy...
Moral Order...
does that ring a bell?
So when asked,
"What do his parents do?"
Andrea answered, "Cultural
Attaché" and "Housewife."
So what should I do now?
Enroll in
the Diplomatic Corps?
What about Albin? Snip!
He has an operation!
If her father finds out
she lied, it'll be tragic.
Try to help us,
I beg you.
First, send Albin away
for a few days.
Albin? You try
and send Albin away.
And you could get rid
of some things here.
For example?
That, for example.
Over here.
And this, for sure!
The discus thrower? Why?
And that, too.
Is that all?
I don't know, Dad.
I'd make everything
more simple...
That's what I mean.
In short,
nothing's right here!
You want the dream house
that appears in magazines.
We don't change anything
here. Understand?
And you should make
a little effort, too.
An effort. What for?
You could change
a little...
make yourself
less conspicuous.
I'm conspicuous?
Laurent, it was just
painted a month ago.