According to the coroner's report...
Chief Inspector Clouseau
was probably dead...
before his car hit the telephone pole...
and burst into flames.
The president called me at 6:00
this morning.
A dozen countries have offered the
services of their finest detectives...
but the president
made it painfully clear...
that this must be solved by Frenchmen,
and quickly...
or we can all hand in
our resignations.
I spoke with Dr. Laprone
at the hospital...
and he assures me that Dreyfus
is completely cured.
It's amazing.
I've seen some lunatics
in my time.
They were all pikers compared
with Dreyfus. He was like a wild animal!
Didn't he actually bite you?
Oh, yes. On the leg.
I had to take rabies shots
just in case.
The doctor swears
that his recovery is complete.
He said that in the last 12 hours,
Dreyfus has literally become a new man.
Thank God for that because we need him.
If anyone knows about Clouseau
and who might have murdered him...
that man is former
Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus.
Isn't it fantastic, Doctor?
Reinstated at my former rank
with no loss of pay or social benefits.
Yes. It could actually be called
a psychic rebirth.
I am in your debt.
I shall be eternally grateful.
I only helped.
I led the way.
But in the final analysis,
it was your victory, Charles.
Our victory, Paul.
But only at the expense of another.
Huh? Oh, Clouseau, you mean.
It could be said that he died
so that you might live.
I wish I could feel sorry.
You feel no guilt?
To be honest,
when I first heard he was dead...
there were a few moments...
when I was actually convinced
I was in a state of grace.
Is that wrong?