It isn't a matter of right or wrong.
Look, I hated him.
He literally drove me out of my mind,
as you know.
Isn't it natural that
I should feel happiness, even joy...
at the thought of him being dead,
out of the way and gone forever?
Natural, yes.
But there is a danger
that such feelings might promote guilt.
Clouseau could come back
and haunt you.
- L have no guilt.
- Not now.
Not ever. Clouseau is gone,
and I am free forever.
Now, have a cigar.
Thank you, Charles.
I've made the necessary arrangements
for your release.
The surete is sending a car
for you to be picked up at 5:30.
Remember, you're on probation
for 12 months.
If you have any problems,
call on me immediately.
Thank you, Paul.
Listen to me, Officer.
You are making a serious mistake.
Unless you release me immediately,
I will personally see to it...
that you are transferred to Martinique
where you will spend your career...
writing traffic citations
and checking parking meters.
The man who was killed in that car,
my car, uh, Cato's car, was not me.
He was wearing my clothes, yes.
These are his clothes!
I am Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
Miss or Missus?
You fool! The president himself
when he decorated me said...
"Clouseau, you are a man of courage."
And he called me the greatest detective
in all of France.
Charlatan! Lmpostor!
All right, calm down, Mr. Poirot.
Yes. Yes.
But you can call me Hercule.
And I am the greatest detective
in all of France...
the greatest in all the world.
That man is obviously crazy.
We do not use that word around here.