I was going to,
but I got used to it.
Doesn't it mix you up?
No, I'm very quick with figures. Oh.
Why are you looking
at me like that?
Why do you have to
look so luminous?
It would make things easier
if you woke up with puffy eyes...
and blotchy skin
like everyone else.
I guess God just figured that
chubby thighs were enough.
Look, this isn't gonna just go
away. We have to talk about this.
Where you going?
I wanna brush my teeth.
Dorothy, sit down.
Oh, by the way-
No, please, sit.
in the first place,
I want you to know that what happened
last night was the most beautiful,
wonderful, crazy thing
that's ever happened to me,
and I'll never forget it
or you.
My name is Doris.
Your name is Doris?
I've been calling you
Dorothy all night. I know.
Why didnt you tell me earlier? I
didn't know we were gonna end up-
And then I did try and tell
you, but you weren't listening.
It was right in the middle
of everything.
It was incredible,
wasn't it?
It was... nice.
I mean, especially
the last time.
I know,
I'm an animal.
I don't know
what came over me.
I mean, I was- what- Wait, what
was wrong with the first two times?
Well, the first time
was a little fast.
And, um,
the second time-
Listen, I really feel funny
talking about this.
It was a very beautiful
thing, Doris.