Same Time, Next Year

What's the matter?
I-I-I-I'm fine.

I'm all right.

I think I'm in love
with you.

I mean, it's crazy.
It's really crazy.

I don't even know if you’ve
read Catcherin the Rye.

Oh, no, I didn't even finish
high school. There. You see?

I don't even care, and I'm
really a snob about education.

Of course, I should have
known this would happen.

When it comes to life, I have
a brown thumb. What do you mean?

I mean nothing I ever do
turns out right.

First time
- First time I had sex, I was 18 years old.

We were in the backseat
of a parked 1938 Dodge sedan.

Right in the middle of it,
we were rear-ended.

Oh. And you didn't have
any insurance?

No, that's not exactly
what I mean. I mean-

Look, take last night.

You know what the radio was
playing while we were making love?

No. "If l Knew You Were
Coming, I'd Have Baked A Cake."

So? So that's gonna be our song.
Is it?

I mean, other people would have gotten
"Be My Love" or "Some Enchanted Evening."

Me, I get "If l Knew You Were
Coming, I'd Have Baked A Cake."

What is it?
I really want to
take a bath now.

Oh, I'm so-
Oh, I see. I'm sorry.

It's okay.
Yeah. Okay. Oh, sure. I'll-
I'll wait out- I'll be out-
