Same Time, Next Year

Will you stop?
This has nothing to do with
the goddamn tooth Fairy!

You are simply
feeling guilty,

and you wanna get
as far from me as possible.

All right!
I feel guilty, yes!

Is that so strange?
Doris, we're cheating.
Once a year
we lie to our families...

and sneak off to a hotel
in California...

and commit adultery!
Not that I want to
stop doing it.

But yes, I feel guilty.
I admit it.

You admit it?
You take out ads.
I'll bet you stop strangers
on the street!

Y-You probably have
a scarlet "A" embroidered...

on your jockey shorts.
You go around
like an open nerve saying,

"Yes, I'm cheating,
but look how guilty I feel,

so I must really be
a nice guy."

- Then to top it all, you have the incredible arrogance...

of thinking you're the only person
in the world with a conscience.

Well, that doesn't make you
a nice guy, George!

You know what that
makes you? A horse's ass!

I liked you a lot better before you
joined the Book of the Month Club.

Yes, I'll just bet
you did.

- Look, can we discuss this in the car?
- The car?

I really hate to ask you, Doris,
but I need a lift to the airport.

Cheer up, Doris. It's not the end of the
world. I'm not leaving you permanently.
