Where are we going?
It won't be much longer.
Then we can all rest.
- How much longer?
- We never should have left.
- Suppose Fiver's all wrong?
- We want to go back and find out.
Go back? After all we've been through?
And probably get killed for wounding
Captain Holly, an Owsla officer?
- Talk sense, for Frith's sake.
- We must go on, until we reach the hills.
Those that go back will not...
Not safe...
I don't believe you know
where you're going.
Now, listen to me,
you bunch of mole-snouted, muckraking...
It looks like you've come a long way.
Do you live here?
Yes, this is our warren.
We need to stay here for a while.
Why not? We supposed you would.
But I don't think there are enough of you
to live very comfortably on your own.
There are enough of us
to protect ourselves.
Don't get upset.
Who are you? What do you want?
My name is Cowslip,
and I don't want anything.
Yeah, what about the others?
We have plenty of empty burrows,
if that's what you mean.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I hate the rain.
Funny smell.
We ought to have nothing to do
with that Cowslip, or his warren.
It might be drier in there.
Whatever will he think of us
if we don't go in?
- I'll tell you. He'll think we're afraid.
- Afraid? Who's afraid?
He seemed friendly enough.
What has he got to gain
by asking us to join him?
We can't sit out here like fools.
Well, come along then.
They think I'm mad,
but you know I'm not...
...and you still won't listen.