Watership Down

There are enough of us
to protect ourselves.

Don't get upset.
Who are you? What do you want?
My name is Cowslip,
and I don't want anything.

Yeah, what about the others?
We have plenty of empty burrows,
if that's what you mean.

And now, if you'll excuse me,
I hate the rain.

Funny smell.
We ought to have nothing to do
with that Cowslip, or his warren.

It might be drier in there.
Whatever will he think of us
if we don't go in?

- I'll tell you. He'll think we're afraid.
- Afraid? Who's afraid?

He seemed friendly enough.
What has he got to gain
by asking us to join him?

We can't sit out here like fools.
Well, come along then.
They think I'm mad,
but you know I'm not...

...and you still won't listen.
Come along, Fiver.
There's that smell again.
It's almost like man.
Oh, it's you, is it? How nice.
I'm so glad you've come.

This is rather a big warren.
Yes. Please, help yourself to flayrah.
There are fresh roots here daily.
The man throws it up.

Man? What man?
A lot of the burrows are lying empty,
you know...

...so you're all welcome
to any that you choose.

Where are all the others?
