Being There

Not a damn thing they can do about it.
They can keep me comfortable.
Prolong my life with steroid therapy...
...and these transfusions.
But what makes my blood boil...
...that is, what there is of it...
:42:23 that this is usually...
...a young person's disease.
Here I am getting along in years...
...and I'm about to die
of a young person's disease.

I've never seen anything like this
on television.

Please, lie still, Mr. Gardiner.
You'll join us for dinner, of course.
Yes, please. Thank you.
I'm very hungry.
Yes, and so am l, my boy.
So am l.
Do you know Raphael?
No, sir. I don't believe I do.
Because I have a message for him.
Yes, sir?
A small black man
gave me a message for Raphael.

I still don't believe I know the man,
Mr. Gardiner. Now, please...

...lie still.
Is there anyone we could notify for you?
The old man died and Louise left.
