So am l.
Do you know Raphael?
No, sir. I don't believe I do.
Because I have a message for him.
Yes, sir?
A small black man
gave me a message for Raphael.
I still don't believe I know the man,
Mr. Gardiner. Now, please...
...lie still.
Is there anyone we could notify for you?
The old man died and Louise left.
I'm very sorry.
I do hope your injury won't prevent you
from attending to business.
Do you need a secretary?
No, thank you.
My house was shut down.
You mean your business was shut down?
Shut down and closed by the attorneys.
What did I tell you?
That's exactly what I mean.
The businessman today is at the mercy
of kid-lawyers from the SEZ.
It's happening to everyone, I'm afraid.
The way things are going, they'll probably
legislate the medical profession...
...right out of existence.
Yes. Right out of existence.
Yeah, it's a damn shame.