Buffet froid

I was in the subway,
the other evening...

when you knifed that poor
defenseless man in the stomach.

Nice work, discreet, fast...
"Here's a man who knows
his job" I said.

"I'll follow him a while,
find out where he lives..."

I didn't kill him.
Someone stole my knife.
Then why is it here,
on the table?

It is the same knife,
isn't it?

Put it down!
I'm a police inspector, at
the first blackmail attempt...

-I'll arrest you!
-No question of blackmail.

Keep it short! Our friend
lost his wife, he's tired!

My sympathy.
Go on!
It's a small service
you could do for me...

What sort of service?
Use your knife again.
With the same discretion
and speed.

-You scare me!
-I'm sorry...

Forgive our mistrust,
but nowadays...

Quite right to be cautious.
Is the victim a man or woman?
-A man.
-Then it's not for me.

It's not you he came for!
It's me!

I can show an interest!
Gentlemen, please!
...couldn't even make her

I advise you to leave
my wife alone!

I'll do as I like with her!
Oh, shut up! Damn it!
Forgive them...
they're both on edge.

Please, go on!
Here is the key
to the garage...

where the victim goes
every night at 7.30 sharp...

driving a green Volvo,
license number 292 BX 74.

33 bis, rue Amedee Cousin...
You know the street?
