So it was you who so cruelly mistreated
my Masetto just now?
So it was you who wickedly deceived me
pretending you were Don Giovanni?
So it was you who came here
in this guise for treachery!
- It's up to me to punish him.
- No, me!
No, me.
Let's kill him, all of us.
Have mercy on me.
You are right, I agree.
But the crime is not my own,
is not my own.
My master, with his tyranny,
robbed me of my innocence,
robbed me of my innocence.
Donna Elvira, be compassionate!
Now you understand the way it was.
Of Masetto, I know nothing.
This young lady will tell you.
For the last hour, more or less,
I've been strolling 'round with her,
I've been strolling 'round with her.
To you, sir, I say nothing
certain fears, certain mishaps
outwardly clear, inwardly obscure
nowhere to hide, the door, the wall.
I go this way, I go that way
then hide here, the secret is out,