Handkerchiefs! Let's get Daddy
It looks like the propellers
spin backwards.
-The propeller's spinning backwards?
-Forget it.
-I'm supposed to forget it?
-It's an optical illusion--
-Forget it.
-Illusion, my ass!
How do you know forward
from backwards?
If we land in New York,
the propeller spins backwards.
I hope it's backwards.
-Leader to tower.
-This is tower.
-Starting taxi.
-Roger, leader.
Just my luck,
they're spinning forward.
Want me to take it up for you?
-Listen to number one.
-Why? What's wrong?
-Something doesn't sound right.
-Leader, this is tower. Over.
One second, tower. Over.
Check the rpms.
-Rpms normal.
-Oil pressure?
Leader to tower.
Lucas, are you hearing number one?
Something doesn't sound right.
-Check the gauges?
-Gauges are okay.
-Can't tell from here.
-I hear something wrong.
Something's not right.
Gauges don't always show it.
Leader, this is tower.
Please answer. Over.
-Tower, this is leader.
-Begin your takeoff.
I've got a problem with
my number one, I'm coming back.
I've got a problem with
my number one, I'm coming back!
You're returning to base.
Packman, you're the new leader.