What is all this insolence?
You will find yourself
in gladiator school "vewy" quickly...
with "wotten" behavior like that.
Can I go now, sir?
Wait till Biggus Dickus
hears of this.
"Wight"! Take him away!
Oh, sir, he
I want him fighting wild,
"wabid" animals within a week.
Yes, sir.
Come on, you.
I will not have my friends
"widiculed" by the common "soldiewy".
Anyone else feel like
a little giggle...
when I mention my "fwiend",
What about you?
Do you find it "wisible"...
when I say the name...
Biggus... Dickus?
He has a wife, you know?
You know what she's called?
She's called "lncontinentia".
"lncontinentia Buttocks".
Shut up!
What is all this?
I've had enough of this
"wowdy", "webel" behavior!
Silence! Quiet!
"Pwaetowian" guards!
Seize him! Seize him!
Blow your noses and seize him!