Take your hands off me, you myopic dwarf.
Renfield, I am finished.
Over, I'm a has-been. O-V-E-R.
But master, you are Dracula, son of Dracul.
You've been the reigning
Prince of Darkness...
for over 700 glorious years.
700 lonely years, Renfield.
Lonely, master?
But I thought you were happy living...
I mean, dying...
I mean, existing all those years.
I thought you were having fun.
How would you like to go around...
dressed like a headwaiter
for the last 700 years.
Just once, I'd like to go to dinner...
dressed in a turtleneck and a sports jacket.
How would you like to dine on nothing
but a warm liquid protein diet...
while all around you, people are eating...
lamb chops...
potato chips...
Chivas Regal on the rocks with a twist.
How would you like
to not have Christmas presents.
Easter egg hunts.
Garlic toast.
No, Renfield...
help me back in the coffin.
I'm not going out tonight...
- or any other night.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
Oh, yes, I am what, you idiot?
Going out tonight, master.
What is that? Another little bug?
This is where she is tonight.
This is where she is every night.
You got this from the head
of the modeling agency, didn't you?
I got this from her secretary, when
I showed up at noon with my lunch pail.
Another snake, Renfield?
No, master.
A scorpion, perhaps?
No, better, master.
What could be better
than a scorpion, Renfield?