I understand. I could tell by
the sound of your voice over the phone.
Very authoritative, you know.
Like the Pope or the computer in 2001.
It's not fair to you
and I don't know what I'm doing.
- Right.
- I mean... Come on, don't be angry.
You brought this up. You're not happy
the way things are going.
I'm not angry. It's just I knew it was gonna
end, but now it's happened I'm upset, OK?
Look, you don't wanna
make a commitment.
And I don't wanna break up my marriage
and then find out we're no good together.
I've gotta start thinking about Emily.
OK, you made your point very clear. I'm
just glad one of us had the nerve to end it.
- Will you be all right?
- Yeah...
Of course I will. What d'you think
I'm gonna do? Hang myself?
I'm a beautiful woman.
I'm young, highly intelligent.
I got everything going for me. The point...
The point is that... I don't know,
I'm all fucked up. I'm just... Shit!
What am I doing in this relationship
anyway? My phone never stops ringing.
I could go to bed with the entire faculty
of MIT, if I wanted to. It's just...
I don't know. I'm wasting myself
on a married man, so I don't know.
Listen, I think I'd better go now.
I just want you to have this.
- I got these tickets to see Rampal tonight.
- Oh, Mary. This is very hard on me, too.
Please! Just take them
and go with your wife.
Mary, you love Rampal.
Call somebody up. Take Isaac.
Fuck off, Yale!
I know you're gonna think the water's
a little brown, but you can drink it.
Don't get thrown by this.
- I'm really sorry for bothering you.
- No problem.
- It's just... God, this is brown, isn't it?
- It is, but you get used to it after a while.
I didn't know who to call.
I don't think you should take Valium.
It causes cancer.
- No. Half a Valium?
- Yeah, abdominal cancer, I think.
When did they find that out?
That's just my theory, but I think
it's correct. I got tissues someplace.
- Well, I guess I deserve everything I get.
- Come on.