"Chapter one. "
"He adored New York City.He idolised it all out of proportion. "
Uh, no. Make that "He romanticised itall out of proportion. "
"To him,no matter what the season was,
this was still a townthat existed in black and white
and pulsated to the great tunesof George Gershwin. "
Uh... no. Let me start this over.
"Chapter one. "
"He was too romantic about Manhattan,as he was about everything else. "
"He thrived on the hustle, bustleof the crowds and the traffic. "
"To him, New Yorkmeant beautiful women
and street-smart guyswho seemed to know all the angles. "
Ah, corny. Too cornyfor a man of my taste.
Let me... try and make it more profound.
"Chapter one. He adored New York City. "
"To him, it was a metaphorfor the decay of contemporary culture. "
"The same lack of integrity to cause somany people to take the easy way out...
... was rapidly turning the townof his dreams..."
No, it's gonna be too preachy. I mean,face it, I wanna sell some books here.
"Chapter one. He adored New York City,
although to him it was a metaphorfor the decay of contemporary culture. "
"How hard it was to exist in a societydesensitised by drugs, loud music,
television, crime, garbage..."
Too angry. I don't wanna be angry.
"Chapter one. "