- Phew-wee.
- I tried to run 'em both over with a car.
That's incredible sexual humiliation.
It's enough to turn you off women
and it accounts for the little girl.
Hey, the little girl is fine.
Jesus, she's... What's with the little girl?
Oh, sure. I understand, believe me.
176 years old, no possible threat at all.
She's 177. She's gonna be eight...
Sometimes you have a losing personality.
I'm honest. I say what's on my mind
and if you can't take it, then fuck off.
I like the way you express yourself, too.
Pithy, yet degenerate.
- You get many dates? I don't think so.
- No, I do. I actually do.
I never thought I was very pretty.
Oh, what is pretty anyway? I hate being
pretty. It's all so subjective anyway.
The brightest men just drop dead
in front of a beautiful face.
When you climb into the sack,
if you're a bit giving, they're so grateful.
Yeah, I know I am.
- D'you have kids?
- Yeah.
He's being raised by two women.
I think it works. They made some studies,
I read in a psychoanalytic quarterly.
You don't need a male.
Two mothers are fine.
Really? Because I feel
very few people survive one mother.
Listen, I gotta get my dog. Wanna wait?
I gotta walk it. Are you in rush?
- Oh, no, sure. What kind of dog you got?
- The worst.
It's a dachshund.
You know, it's a penis substitute for me.
Oh, I would have thought then
in your case a Great Dane.
- So, you serious with Yale or what?
- Serious?
Well, he's married.
Uh, I don't know. I guess
I should straighten my life out, huh?
Donny my analyst always tells me...
- You call your analyst Donny?
- Yeah. I call him Donny!
I call mine Dr Chomsky, you know.
He hits me with a ruler.