You don't need a male.
Two mothers are fine.
Really? Because I feel
very few people survive one mother.
Listen, I gotta get my dog. Wanna wait?
I gotta walk it. Are you in rush?
- Oh, no, sure. What kind of dog you got?
- The worst.
It's a dachshund.
You know, it's a penis substitute for me.
Oh, I would have thought then
in your case a Great Dane.
- So, you serious with Yale or what?
- Serious?
Well, he's married.
Uh, I don't know. I guess
I should straighten my life out, huh?
Donny my analyst always tells me...
- You call your analyst Donny?
- Yeah. I call him Donny!
I call mine Dr Chomsky, you know.
He hits me with a ruler.
Donny...? That's first name.
Donny says I get involved in situations
and that it's deliberate,
especially with my ex-husband Jeremiah.
I was his student and...
- Really? You married your teacher?
- Yeah, of course.
That's very...
- He failed me and I fell in love with him.
- Oh, that's perfect.
I was sleeping with him
and he had the nerve to give me an F.
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
Not even an Incomplete, right?
Just a straight F?
You got a good sense of humour.
Hey, thanks! I don't need you
to tell me that, you know.
I've been making good money off it for
years, till I quit my job to write this book.
Now I'm very, very nervous about it,
you know, but...
D'you wanna...?
Oh, you don't have to pay.
- Oh, that's OK.
- I'm serious! Wanna walk by the river?
- You know the time?
- What do you mean?
If I don't get at least 176 hours,
I'm a basket case.
I'd like to hear about your book.
I really would. I'm quite a good editor.