It's true. It's really true. I mean,
I knew it couldn't possibly work out.
Yeah, you pick a married guy
and when it doesn't work out,
it confirms your worst feelings.
What worst feelings?
You know. Your feelings about men
and marriage and that nothing works.
Oh, please, don't psychoanalyse me.
I pay a doctor for that.
Hey. You call that guy
that you talk to a doctor?
You don't get suspicious when he calls
you at 3am and weeps into the telephone?
So he's unorthodox.
He's a highly qualified doctor.
He's done a great job on you. Your
self-esteem is like a notch below Kafka's.
What is that noise?
Yeah. Incredible, isn't it? There's a guy
upstairs. I don't know what the hell it is.
It's like he's up there strangling a parrot
or something. I can't stand it.
- How can you stand it? It's terrible.
- I know. I used to have a great apartment.
- Wanna go for a walk? It's quieter out.
- No, I think I'll just go home.
No, come on.
He led me on! That's the point of it.
Why am I reluctant to criticise him?
Relax. Yale would not do that.
He's not that kind of a guy.
Don't defend him.
You guys all stick up for each other.
Yale has his problems as we all do.
I'm starting to sound like Rabbi Blitzstein.
Well, thanks for letting me come over.
I appreciate it. It's very nice of you.
Tracy and I are going out tonight,
if you wanna come along.
Oh, no, I'll be fine. I'll be OK.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- That's a healthy piece of towel paper.
- Oh, gee. God!
Well, goodbye. Thanks a lot.
But my point is a cab driver
doesn't make enough money...
Oh, look at that... that guy's toupee.
That's unbelievable.
That is hilarious. There's a... a...
an inch of cheesecloth. You can see it.
I don't know why, you know,
his loved ones don't tell him.
It's like the toupee dropped on his head
from a window ledge as he was walking.
But look at his wife. Looks like her face
has been lifted about 8,000 times.