Just like last year,
we'll hate it.
Camp is lousy, and you're a dork.
You're right.
You sure are one.
- Hiya.
- Come on.
- What do you want?
- Are you having trouble?
- I can't get these kids on the bus!
- That's because I'm not goin'!
Come here. I wanna have
a word with you, all right?
- You guys, you better get on the bus.
- Why?
If you don't, I'm gonna beat
the pants off of ya!
Not bad, huh?
- Watch it. That stuff's expensive.
- Very good, sir.
Hey, Spaz. How you doin', buddy?
- Good to see ya.
- Give that back.
- We're doin' you a favor.
- Give it back!
Wanna make us, Spaz?
- Give him back the milkshake.
- All right. Here you go.
Hey, we'll see you
at the basketball game, Spaz.
Mohawk jerks.
These children are going to the most
glamorous of all summer camps...
Camp Mohawk.
There's a two-year waiting list...
and every child has to be voted in.
On top of all that, it costs
$1,000 a week to go to Camp Mohawk.
The question is:
Is it worth $1,000 a week?
It sure is.
It's the best darned camp there is.
Well, are you connected
with Camp Mohawk?
I think so.
I'm the program director, Jerry Aldini.
Well, how do you justify
$1,000 a week?
We have some special programs.
We're doing "Shakespeare in the Round"
again this year.
Our political round table.
Henry Kissinger will appear.
Yasir 'Arafat is gonna come out, spend
a weekend with the kids, rap with 'em.