
That's amazing!
The kids wanted animals, so this year
each camper will stalk and kill...

his own bear
in our private wildlife preserve.

Are you sure
the children can hack that?

We'll see. The real excitement is
gonna come at the end of the summer...

during Sexual Awareness Week.
We import 200 hookers from
around the world, and each camper...

armed with only a thermos of coffee
and $2,000 cash...

tries to visit
as many countries as he can.

The winner, of course, is named
King of Sexual Awareness Week...

and is allowed to rape and pillage
the neighboring towns until camp ends.

That's incredible!
What do you expect for $1,000 a week?
Hey, you have a good summer.

You must be the short, depressed kid
we ordered. Glad you made it.

Want half of this?
Come on inside, Frankenstein.
I'll buy you a cocktail.

All the 12-year-old girls here finally?
It's gonna be a terrific year.

This ground is too slippery.
I could fall and get whiplash
or a broken neck, a serious injury.

- A guy could die from that.
- Phil, he's all yours.

Thanks, Tripper.
Are you Rudy Gerner?

I'm Phil.
- Gotta get this...
- Hi, Morty.

- Hi, Trip. You got the rules?
- No. I'm lookin' for them.

Here they go. Very important.
All your CIT's have gotta know those
inside-out, backwards, whatever.

Post 'em up,
make sure they know 'em.
