Glad to hear it. Excuse me.
Hi, Hardware.
- Hi, Larry.
- Hi, Finkle. Hi, Hard.
Hey, guess what, guys.
Liza finally got her period.
- You don't have to advertise it.
- They gotta know.
You better watch it,
'cause now you can get pregnant.
I heard about this girl. She got
pregnant without doing it with anyone.
What do you mean?
You can't get pregnant without doing it.
No, stupid. She didn't do it.
She almost did it.
Oh, my God.
Hi, guys.
I got your cabin this week.
Go on. Ask A.L.
Ask me what?
Can a girl get pregnant
if she almost does it with a guy?
I don't think so. No.
That's a relief.
Spaz-alapolis, you're in here
with Phil and the 12-year-olds.
- This here is Rudy.
- Rudy, how's it goin'?
Watch out for this guy.
He's done time for car theft.
My kind of guy.
You could be a bad influence
on the other children. Watch it.
We'll see you guys at dinner.
Watch out for the ear, Rudy!
- See you later, Spaz.
- Bye-bye.
Hi, guys. I'm Spaz.
I'm your CIT this week.
I want to introduce you
to a new guy...
Hey, bozo, this is my bunk,
so shove off.
Settle down! Come on, guys.
Settle down.
Let's see. Everything's put away.
That's good.
Everybody has a bunk.
That's good.
Everybody's settled in.
That's good.
Everybody's been deloused
and fingerprinted. That's good.
Phil, look. It's the first day of camp,
and we're bored already.
What are we gonna do?