Spaz-alapolis, you're in here
with Phil and the 12-year-olds.
- This here is Rudy.
- Rudy, how's it goin'?
Watch out for this guy.
He's done time for car theft.
My kind of guy.
You could be a bad influence
on the other children. Watch it.
We'll see you guys at dinner.
Watch out for the ear, Rudy!
- See you later, Spaz.
- Bye-bye.
Hi, guys. I'm Spaz.
I'm your CIT this week.
I want to introduce you
to a new guy...
Hey, bozo, this is my bunk,
so shove off.
Settle down! Come on, guys.
Settle down.
Let's see. Everything's put away.
That's good.
Everybody has a bunk.
That's good.
Everybody's settled in.
That's good.
Everybody's been deloused
and fingerprinted. That's good.
Phil, look. It's the first day of camp,
and we're bored already.
What are we gonna do?
Relax, Peter. Relax.
Okay, guys, after lunch
we got a big game with Cabin B-11.
And I really want to win it, okay?
So what do you say?
- We're gonna kill 'em!
- What?
I can't hear you.
Attention, all campers.
Afternoon swim schedule is as follows:
Advanced Dolphins, report to the dock
for survival swimming and IQ testing.
All Senior Silverfish,
meet on the beach for nude sunbathing.
Junior Salmon, Trout and Herring,
report to the nearest delicatessen.
Six-year-old Tadpoles,
report to the swamp.
And all Lobsters, get outta here!
You're a menace!
- David says it's very important...
- Hi, girls.
I'm really looking forward
to working with all of you this summer.
I just hope there's enough of me
to go around.