Well, I feel sorry for her.
You know, she's got a glass eye.
I'm one of the few people who knows
exactly which eye to look at...
when they're talking to her,
so she's sort of fixated on me.
Well, I like her.
Well, you're not exactly known
for your taste.
I'll probably just use her
for the rest of the summer...
and then throw her
on the scrap heap...
with all the rest of the women
that I've destroyed.
I have to go on this overnight.
I'm taking the CIT's on an overnight
for the next couple of days.
You're going to have to do
your own training.
I want you to run two miles today
and two and a half tomorrow.
- I've never run that far.
- Neither have I, but somebody's got to.
I can't be expected to do it.
Somebody's gotta do it.
And it can't be me...
because I'm too busy.
I have responsibilities.
I'm the entertainment director
for the overnight.
Come here.
Somebody's gotta make these P.A.
Announcements for me while I'm gone...
wake-up, lights-out, public service...
otherwise I'm gonna get in trouble.
I'd appreciate it if you could
help me out and accept...
this nomination.
All you have to do
is turn on this power switch.
- Everything will be hunky-dory.
- I don't want to do the announcement...
And you can start
by telling all the CIT's...
to meet me at the boat dock
I'll see you in a couple of days.
Remember, run two miles,
then two and a half...
and then run three or four
if I don't come back.
We don't have steering problems.
We've got manpower problems.
You're going too fast.
Slow down.
- Finkle! Paddle!
- What?
- Hey, you're splashing me!
- Paddle!
- A nice, even stroke, Hardware.
- Yes, sir.