The stories I can tell them
will make them crazy.
- The point is to impress them.
- They're bound to find out about us.
I know what to do. I'll have a fight
with Dad and move in with my hubby.
Then I'll go to work every day,
and he'll think I'm still a student.
That goes on for a year, then I'll
get pregnant and become a housewife.
And even if he does find out,
it'll be too late.
He will have gotten used to me,
and he'll adore his kid.
He'll probably even beg me
to forgive him.
Why would he do that?
Well, I'll find a reason when I
have to. So you'll do it?
We'd never get away with it.
Oh, Katia, do it for me, please.
No, I don't like it.
Then I'll tell them
that you're my maid.
What a bore you are.
Take a chance for once in your life.
I don't even look like a professor's
All we have to do for it to work
is avoid making two mistakes.
One is lousy grammar, and
the other is asking dumb questions.
What if they ask me a question
and I give a dumb answer?
Do it, but like you mean it.
That's called ''point of view''.
- Take me, I'm pretty vulgar, right?
- You said it, I didn't.
Well, guys call it eccentric.
So will you do it?
No! I just don't believe you can
act like something you're not.
Meet my little sister.
Pleased to meet you.
- Katia.
- Anton.
And what's your last name?
You can call me just Anton.
The last name is for my office.