What a bore you are.
Take a chance for once in your life.
I don't even look like a professor's
All we have to do for it to work
is avoid making two mistakes.
One is lousy grammar, and
the other is asking dumb questions.
What if they ask me a question
and I give a dumb answer?
Do it, but like you mean it.
That's called ''point of view''.
- Take me, I'm pretty vulgar, right?
- You said it, I didn't.
Well, guys call it eccentric.
So will you do it?
No! I just don't believe you can
act like something you're not.
Meet my little sister.
Pleased to meet you.
- Katia.
- Anton.
And what's your last name?
You can call me just Anton.
The last name is for my office.
Please, come right in.
Put these in some water.
Gentlemen, I think you can make
your own introductions.
industrial executive.
Perov. I'm a scientist.
Edward Ozeryansky,
research engineer.
Kruglov, industrial executive.
The one with the badge
is a scientist.
- What science?
- Just science.
- Oh, you shouldn't have...
- That's my contribution.
- It wasn't necessary.
- Go ahead, let's have a look.