My birthday is the 23rd of December.
- And what was today?
- It was an exhibition.
I was a total stranger to you,
wasn't I?
Not any more because my friends
told you everything.
What about all these scientists
and Ph.D.'s?
All the rest was real, the friends,
the scientists, the shashlik.
I'm what they said I'm.
Although they put it on a little
thick, exaggerated.
Well, we'll find out in a couple
of years.
That's good. I was afraid that
what they said would give you
an inferiority complex.
I felt something like that.
Though, I do think that in a family
the man should be superior.
When the woman has a larger salary
or a position of superiority,
the marriage can't work.
- Are you serious?
- Absolutely.
I've seen enough of this already.
How much are you making?
Don't worry, I earn much more
than your mother does.
We should be prepared, for
however strong may be the blizzards,
Their bondage is bound
to come to an end!
So allow me, Miss,
to offer my hand
For a dance at this
New Year Ball of the Wizards.
The moon is a sphere
with a candle inside,
The carnival figures
around us bend.
A waltz has begun,
so give me your hand
And go left-right,
left-right, left-right!