How many times I've imagined
what it would be like meeting you.
All the words I've so
carefully prepared.
Now you're here and I don't
know what to say.
For many years I didn't stop
loving you.
But then I became hateful
and bitter.
I wanted you to know
about my success,
to make you see how wrong you were.
But now I think
that it was all to the good.
I wouldn't have become a success
if you had stayed.
I'm glad that you didn't
marry me then,
because in that case I wouldn't
have met a wonderful man
whom I love now.
Believe me, everything
will work out for the best.
Life begins at 40.
It may sound trite, but it's true.
Goodbye, and please
don't call me up anymore.
I want to see my daughter!
No, you won't go there!
I'm going with you!
- This is none of your business.
- This is my business!
I'm gonna lock the door!
I'm going with you!
- Where are you going?
- Nowhere.
You're right. It's getting late.
You can go there tomorrow.
Wait, I'm coming with you!
Let go of me!
- What's going on?
- There's gonna be a fight.
- What about?
- About me.
All right, let's have the story.
I used to go out
with Volodya Kopylov.
Now I'm going with Nikita
and he loves me.
I'm in love with him too.