because I know that I'm needed.
I love my friends,
because we never get tired of
each other, of our talks.
I love your mother because...
because I love her.
- Why are you laughing?
- It's fun talking to you.
You think you're as happy
as any man could be?
No, not really.
If I could get
a glass of cold soda now,
then I'd consider myself
absolutely happy.
- You shouldn't have done it.
- Done what?
I told her everything.
I couldn't help it.
Using your fists is no way
to settle problems.
- And if they don't understand words?
- Then you didn't explain properly.
And you, a grown-up man, should've
known better than that.
Now these boys are going to believe
that might makes right.
They'll learn that using violence
they should expect violence in return.
I want you to promise me
you'll never do anything like this
without my permission.
Yes, ma'am...
But I want you to respect my wishes
as well.
If you talk to me in that manner
once more,
I will never set foot
in this house again.
As for the decisions in this house,
I'll be making them.
For the simple reason
that I'm the man here.
I'm sorry. Forgive me.
Alexandra, one of your friends.