And the fern needs a lot of water...
...yet they can live together
in the same environment.
- Sometimes...
- Stop talking!
- Alan, what are you doing?
- Nothing.
If tomorrow were the last day of the rest
of your life, would you do nothing?
- I don't wanna think about that.
- What do you want to think about?
I don't know.
Maybe just having a good time.
Carl, go to the botany box.
Show us an example
of a succulent plant.
That's right. And a fern.
That's right too. Thank you, Carl.
You guys may not realize it...
- The boy with the gun was Richie White.
- But Richie's not in this class.
- That's what Tip said.
- Okay, Richie had... But now, look.
Anyone? Anyone at all?
- Tip tell you any other names?
- Claude someone.
- Richie. Richie, come on.
- What do you want?
Come on!
Richie, wait! I wanna come.
Now, you go home. Be a good boy.
Take care of Mommy.