Rocky II

OK, I'll sign it,
but I gotta go somewhere now.

Where you goin'?
What could be more important?

I just gotta do some things,
but I'll be back. I'll talk to you.

- Give me a call, then.
- Where will we call you?

- I'll give you a call.
- You got a number?

I'll just call you.
I'll go "Hey! Yo!" I'll call you.

All right, you call.
The guy's got brain damage.
It's great bein' outta the hospital
and not havin' to take all those pills.

And my legs were gettin' so sore
and all that from just layin' there.

I was kind of shrinkin' and all that.
It's great to be outside, you know?

- What are we doin' here at the zoo?
- Well, you know, I kinda like the zoo a lot.

It's a special place, especially when it
snows - it smells clean and everything.

Don't you like the zoo? Huh?
- I like the zoo.
- Yeah, me too.

You know, I was wonderin', like...
What do you think you're doin' for,
like, the next... 40 or 50 years?

What do you mean?
I was wonderin' if... you wouldn't
mind marrying me very much.

What'd ya say?
If you wouldn't mind
marryin' me too much.

Yes. I'd like to marry you.
- Yeah?
- Yes.

I'll be a good guy, I promise.
I ain't gonna do nothin' wrong. I ain't
gonna leave no hair in the sink or nothin'.

Things are gonna be great,
you know that?

Hey, we're gettin' married, you know.
You wanna come?

If you can get out for the weekend,
I'll send you an invitation!
