What do you mean?
I was wonderin' if... you wouldn't
mind marrying me very much.
What'd ya say?
If you wouldn't mind
marryin' me too much.
Yes. I'd like to marry you.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
I'll be a good guy, I promise.
I ain't gonna do nothin' wrong. I ain't
gonna leave no hair in the sink or nothin'.
Things are gonna be great,
you know that?
Hey, we're gettin' married, you know.
You wanna come?
If you can get out for the weekend,
I'll send you an invitation!
That's fantastic, ain't it?
Yeah, absolutely. Yes.
- I do.
- Thanks.
You may kiss the bride now.
- I gotta take this off?
- Yeah.
Go in peace and God bless you.
Uh, thanks, Father.
You done real good. I'm proud of ya.
- Things are gonna be great.
- Rocky, congratulations!
Thanks a lot, thanks a lot. Thanks, Tony.