Rocky II

- Hey, nice kitchen.
- Nice.

Nice kitchen, yes.
- What are taxes every year?
- 1500.

- 1500.
- Hey, Adrian, I like it.

I know a pretty good deal
when I see one, too.

Excuse me. I wanna talk
to my husband for one second.

- Can I talk to you?
- Sure. I got no appointments.

Rocky, you are making
this man's job very easy.

The bank said it will give us
a $16,000 first mortgage at 91 per cent.

That don't matter.
I say we get the house now.

- We didn't even go upstairs.
- That's just details. I'm sure it's nice.

- Details, huh? Are you sure?
- Absolutely. OK?

All right, we'll take the house.
And it better not leak, or else.

I wanted to tell you... Excuse me.
Could you stand over there?

- I gotta talk secretly with my wife.
- Sure. I understand.

I kinda feel stupid talkin' like this
with the lights on and everything,

but the house here and solid oak floors
and all that stuff, and the plumbing

wouldn't be nothin'
without you bein' here.

Without you bein' here, I probably...
I wouldn't be here either, you know.

- You don't have to speak.
- No?

OK. Let's go celebrate here.
- I'll beat you to the pool!
- Hey, you guys! Slow down.

Mary Anne. Mary Anne, listen to this.
"You didn't beat nobody. Anybody who
knows boxing knows the fight was fixed."

This one came from London.
"You call yourself the champ."

"You're a fake. The fight was a fake.
Go kill yourself."

Wouldn't you rather play with
the children than read hate mail?

"How much did you get to carry that bum
for 15 rounds? You're a disgrace."

Why can't you ignore it?!
Are you serious?
