wouldn't be nothin'
without you bein' here.
Without you bein' here, I probably...
I wouldn't be here either, you know.
- You don't have to speak.
- No?
OK. Let's go celebrate here.
- I'll beat you to the pool!
- Hey, you guys! Slow down.
Mary Anne. Mary Anne, listen to this.
"You didn't beat nobody. Anybody who
knows boxing knows the fight was fixed."
This one came from London.
"You call yourself the champ."
"You're a fake. The fight was a fake.
Go kill yourself."
Wouldn't you rather play with
the children than read hate mail?
"How much did you get to carry that bum
for 15 rounds? You're a disgrace."
Why can't you ignore it?!
Are you serious?
Come on, let me get you in focus there.
All right, I'm ready.
- Are you blind, Rock?
- Are you gettin' wise with me?
Come on! Throw the ball, Swifty. Let me
see your best here. I'm waitin' for ya.
I'm waitin' for ya.
Come on. I'm ready now. I'm just
warmin' up. Are you ready for this?
Keep your mouth closed.
It's comin' in that direction.
- What a shot!
- Now I know the day weren't no waste.
Come on, Swifty.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
Adrian! You did it!
Oh, yeah! I knew you had it in you. You
woke up, you had a smile on your face.
I said "Somethin' special's gonna happen
today." I knew it was gonna be different.