I've come to change some
more currency.
Yes, of course.
How much did you want
to exchange this time?
Oh, say 40 guineas.
Forty guineas.
I'm sorry, would you excuse me
for a moment? I'll be right back.
Take your time.
Herbert, Herbert.
Come on, come on.
Herbert, it's me.
-Listen, he's here.
-Who is?
-Who do you mean who? Who do you think?
He's right at my desk
with a money belt.
He wants to change more sovereigns.
-Herbert, what do I do? I'm terrified.
-Amy, be calm.It's all right.
You're in a bank.
He's mad but he's not stupid.
Now, nothing's going to happen to you.
-Can you keep him there?
It's a lot to ask, but try.
Just until I'm there.I'm on my way.
-I'll try.
-What did you say?
I said I'll try.
Sorry about that.I checked
what the exchange rates are today.
They fluctuate every day.
I wouldn't want you to get gypped.
-Are you enjoying San Francisco?
-Very much.
That's wonderful.
-Find room at the Hyatt Regency?
-Yes, thanks to you I've--