-Who is?
-Who do you mean who? Who do you think?
He's right at my desk
with a money belt.
He wants to change more sovereigns.
-Herbert, what do I do? I'm terrified.
-Amy, be calm.It's all right.
You're in a bank.
He's mad but he's not stupid.
Now, nothing's going to happen to you.
-Can you keep him there?
It's a lot to ask, but try.
Just until I'm there.I'm on my way.
-I'll try.
-What did you say?
I said I'll try.
Sorry about that.I checked
what the exchange rates are today.
They fluctuate every day.
I wouldn't want you to get gypped.
-Are you enjoying San Francisco?
-Very much.
That's wonderful.
-Find room at the Hyatt Regency?
-Yes, thanks to you I've--
Thanks to you.
You wouldn't happen to know
a man called Wells, would you?
I thought so.
Miss Amy Robbins.
He asked you to detain me
until he got here, right?
-I don't know what you mean.
I won't conduct my business here
anymore, if it's all the same to you.
Good day.
There's just one other item.