I start to fear for the world...
...when I think about eternity.
Occupation, Woyzeck,
Eternal... it's eternal...
...it's forever, you will agree.
But then again it's not forever.
And it's a blink of an eye!
A blink of an eye.
Woyzeck, it scares me to think
the world revolves in one day...
What a waste of time.
And where does it all lead to?
Woyzeck, I can't see another mill
wheel or I will get melancholy.
Yes sir, Captain.
Woyzeck, you always have that
hunted look in your eye.
A good man doesn't have that.
A good man who has
a clear conscience.
Say something!
How is the weather today?
Bad, Captain.
- Windy.
- Yes, I feel it already.
There's something swift out there.
I think it is coming from
the south-north.
Yes sir, Captain.
Oh, you are dumb.
So incredibly dumb!
Woyzeck, you are a good person.
But, Woyzeck, you have no morals.
Morals... that means...
...being moral, understand?