A good man doesn't have that.
A good man who has
a clear conscience.
Say something!
How is the weather today?
Bad, Captain.
- Windy.
- Yes, I feel it already.
There's something swift out there.
I think it is coming from
the south-north.
Yes sir, Captain.
Oh, you are dumb.
So incredibly dumb!
Woyzeck, you are a good person.
But, Woyzeck, you have no morals.
Morals... that means...
...being moral, understand?
It is a good word.
You have a child without
the church's blessing.
As our honorable chaplain puts it...
..."Without the church's blessing."
Captain, sir...
...the lord won't mind the little bundle
having no Amen before he was made.
The lord said, "Suffer the little
children to come unto me."
What? What kind of a
strange answer is that?
Are you trying to confuse me?
When I say you, I mean you, you!
Us poor people, you see, Captain...
...money... money.
A penniless man has no use
for morals in this world.
One is made of flesh and blood, also.