American Gigolo

Neither. This was...
This was more of a personal matter.
- You're friends?
- Not exactly.

Not exactly. All right, then.
What exactly is it
that you were doing for the Rheimans?

Nothing special.
Chit-chat. I don't know.
I have a hard time remembering
these things. I meet a lot of people.

Yes, yes.
No, I understand your problem.

You got there, you had a few drinks.
Next thing, you're back in LA?

More or less.
You want another cup of coffee?

That's bullshit. I'm taking you in.
It'll be good for your memory.

You seem like a young man
who needs a little self-improvement.

Look, Mr Sunday...
Detective Sunday.
Look, Detective...
I want to cooperate with the police
in any way I can, but these...

these are very delicate matters...
things that may not fall
under the exact letter of the law.

Publicity's the last thing I want.
I'm not gonna book you or
take away your chauffeur's license.

I'm not gonna bring you up on drug
charges. I could do all of that.

Just tell me about the Rheimans.
Please welcome Charles Stratton.
Mack, thank you.
I hope you're having
as good a time as us...

trying to figure out
what the stuff is on our plates.

But most of all,
I'm happy to have the opportunity
