No hereditary depression in his family?
-Not that l know of.
Peter and Katarina
never consulted with you?
lt was never serious.
Nothing Valium couldn't cure.
Fourteen days
before the catastrophe...
Peter Egermann went to see
Prof. Mogens Jensen at his office.
There've been many long nights
and too much drinking recently.
Besides, l am very aware
of the fact that time is passing.
But l'll stop being evasive.
l'll tell you what's troubling me.
l guess everyone is troubled by
something, don't you think?
But my anxiety
is really quite particular.
That's why l've come to you.
You think l'm long-winded,
that l talk too much. You're right.
Perhaps l just hesitate to tell you
what's troubling me.
As long as l don't express my anxiety
in words, it remains a dream.
Once l've said the words,
my anxiety becomes manifest, a fact.
My desire to kill appalls me.
My desire to kill another
human being appalls me.
lt appalls me.
l want to kill my wife.
l want to kill her.
l've been carrying that idea
around with me for two years.
Katarina has been unfaithful,
and so have l. But no matter.