I'm a collaborator,
who works with the director.
But he's the only one responsible
of the music, of special effects,
of the actors and everything.
He's the one who pays,
the one who goes to jail.
So it is normal that
Ruggero Deodato goes to jail!
When we began,
we decided to shoot in English.
Simply in order to find
four American actors,
or at least foreigners,
who could give credibility
to this type of movie.
We left
thinking that we would shoot
the movie in New York.
But we kept in mind that
to give an Italian nationality
to the movie,
we needed at least
two Italian actors
who would speak English.
We left for New York
and we went to the Actors Studio.
I was lucky to find Italien actors:
Luca Barbareschi,
who then became famous,
and this girl,
Francesca Ciardi.
We also chose two Americans.
When we signed the contract,
I told them: 'As this is
your first movie'
'and that it should be successful
'we ask you to sign a contract
in which you accept'
'to drop out of circulation
for a whole year'
'at least within cinema industry.
You mustn't accept'