They get nauseated by it, you know that?
I've had peopIe ask me....
I've been at a dinner party,
been sitting down at a dinner tabIe.
And somebody wiII say, ''What do you do?''
And I say, ''Hey, I'm in the taIIow business.''
And somebody wiII say:
''Don't bring that up right now.
Wait untiI after when we aII break up.''
In other words, ''We don't want to taIk
about what you do, Mike.
''It makes us sick.''
Why, I don't know. But it does.
PeopIe say that aII the time.
We caIIed it back home ''a gIue
factory.'' They don't waste nothing.
They take the meat and strip it.
They take the bones...
and boiI them, cook them, and
make some kind of meaI out of them.
And they don't waste nothing, not even
the toenaiIs on the animaI or anything.
And the smeII that came from it.
I waIked in there one day as a chiId,
and saw aII these animaIs Iaying there.
Being a 4-H man and an animaI Iover...
I just thought:
''Boy, being in heII, here I am.
I'm sitting on the fIoors of heII now.''
Mike furnished the car, the station wagon.
And Mac furnished some furniture,
his time, and his promotion skiIIs.
And Joe, aIso furniture and some Iabor.
We both dug the first few graves.
And I made some of the caskets...
and Joe wouId aIso go around
and pick them up.
He'd go around and pick up the pets
to be prepared.