Gates of Heaven

And the smeII that came from it.
I waIked in there one day as a chiId,
and saw aII these animaIs Iaying there.

Being a 4-H man and an animaI Iover...
I just thought:
''Boy, being in heII, here I am.
I'm sitting on the fIoors of heII now.''

Mike furnished the car, the station wagon.
And Mac furnished some furniture,
his time, and his promotion skiIIs.

And Joe, aIso furniture and some Iabor.
We both dug the first few graves.
And I made some of the caskets...
and Joe wouId aIso go around
and pick them up.

He'd go around and pick up the pets
to be prepared.

Burying the pets was a very difficuIt task.
Mr. McCIure was physicaIIy handicapped.
He couIdn't in no way do
any physicaI Iabor whatsoever.

My having fuII-time empIoyment...
was mostIy done in the evening.
A gentIeman came to my door.
And the gentIeman was a huge man.
I'd say about 6'2''.

He's more the HercuIes type.
He asked me, ''Are you FIoyd
McCIure?'' And I said, ''Yes, sir.''

He said, ''Do you have
the pet cemetery across the street?''

My house was right across the street
from the cemetery.
