You look good, Ocho.
Like a real taxi.
Now we're gonna make lots of money.
Then Paco never has to take nothing
from nobody again.
Just relax, sonny.
Now, where is it?
Where's what?
There was some film in the wallet
you took from us in Puerto Vallarta.
When we got it back, it was missing.
Now, where is it?
I don't know. Maybe it got mixed up.
What do you mean, mixed up?
With the other man's wallet.
He's lying.
Maybe. Maybe not.
Now, you listen to me.
I want that film back.
I don't care how you do it.
Just get it back.
Because if you don't...
He's gonna cut this car of yours
up into tiny little pieces.
You understand, kid? Little strips
to hang on your Christmas tree.
You know, Pete, I was just thinking.
Do you realize that that car
could have put us in the big time?
We could've been
international celebrities.
You know what I mean?
Groupies chasing after us.
It's that kid. Murphy's law took over
when we ran into that brat.
Hi, guys.
Speaking of four-foot crimewaves!
I come to say
I sorry if I make trouble for you.
Well, fine. See you around.
Paco go. I just want you
not be mad at me.