Is $340 enough?
Lady, you got yourself a bus.
Next bus, please!
Now, listen to me, son.
If you don't release me
this instant,
I'll have you tied to a cannon
to be discharged at sunset!
I can't stop. Two men said
they'd cut up Ocho into pieces,
and two other men are very mad at me.
Is that banging noise new?
Just louder. It might throw a rod.
Is that serious?
Not if it happens
in front of a hotel.
Are we still in Panama?
Panama's long gone.
What? Let me out of here!
Can't, capitán,
there's some men after me.
No, Ocho, not in there.
What was that?
We're at the bullfights, capitán.
Oh, this is exciting.
I think it will be, señora.
What did he mean by that?
God bless you.
Turn in there.
- This can't be right.
- Back up.