My lord.
l'm angry.
Asakura sent me a message.
He is returning to his fief.
His men are weary and it is mid winter.
The enemy is also tired.
lf Asakura retreats,
Nobunaga will reinforce leyasu
and block my way.
Asakura's retreat is treason against me.
How old are you, sire?
- 53, as l remember.
- Why?
And you still behave like
a five-year-old child.
People gather, scatter.
They go left and right
following their interests.
That is not surprising.
But then l find you like this.
With such a narrow mind,
you must not dream of rulership.
Go back to your own domain.
You are a mountain monkey.
You should be gathering nuts
in the mountains of Kai!
That's enough.
What brought you here?
We've cut the aqueduct.
Will the castle fall soon?