This man is grossly offensive!
Get him out of here, Max!
-I can make a case of it!
-No one filed a complaint!
You saw what they did to that girl!
For God's sake, she was the town pump!
He's my prisoner,
and he's not walking out that door!
-Get him out of here!
-Who is this guy?
Goose, settle down, boy.
Look, they're laughing at us!
Can't you see they're laughing at us?
I don't believe this!
See you later, Goose.
It's been a pleasure.
Get in the car, go home.
We don't want you around here.
You can't do anything about it!
We know who you are, Bronze!
We'll see you on the road, Scag!
See you on the road
like we saw the Nightrider!
We remember the Nightrider,
and we know who you are!
So long as the paperwork is clean,
you boys can do what you like out there.
Here he is, the walking armpit!
There's a fire in my belly,
and she's the woman to put it out.