This is a routine pursuit.
Main Force repeats,this is a routine pursuit. Code 44.
Listen, you tell 'em we need some help.
This should be an open-code blitzand you know it.
You have your information.
Come on, sweetheart,this one's a heavyweight!
Main Force repeats,you have your information.
This is a routine pursuit.Please report to Big Bopper.
March Hare to Big Bopper.Assist on Code 3 red alert.
Big Bopper. Gotcha, Hare.What's going down?
-We've got a cop-killer.-You're kidding!
Be warned, Sarse...
...this is non-compliance.
The Main Force will not toleratesuch action.
This pursuit is designateda standard Code 44.
Please respond only to that code.
Code 44 indicates no requirementfor a blockade.
A Pursuit Special has been stolen.
Hall Captain Fifi Macaffeedoesn't like this any more than you.
However, we must not compromiseterritorial range.
Remember thatonly by following instructions...
...can we hope to maintaina successful highway program.
March Hare to Big Bopper.
We're three minutes off the intersection.Can you make it?
We'll make it! Move over!
I'm driving!
Not this again! I've been assigned!